
Since 1970, Yuke Machine development and manufacture of Briquette Machine,is a professional rotary dryer manufacturer and briquetting machine suppliers.

How many briquette machine are produced by YuKe Machine per year?
By serving the market with great annual output of briquette machine, we underpin our commitment to this market. We will continue to make the investment in increasing the capacity of our production facilities. We expect to be able to fulfill all production requirements during the year and to meet your orders within an acceptable delivery timeframe.
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Under management and rigorous quality control, Shanghai Yuke Industrial Co., Ltd. takes the lead in the YuKe Machine business. YuKe Machine's dryer system series are created based on unremitting efforts. This product is distinctive for its unique thinness and strength. Woven tightly, it guarantees extra strength and durability. The product has received a lot of good reviews in terms of comfort, quality and durability and how it feels.
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We aim to drive sustainability through our own operations, as well as those of our suppliers, and we have set ambitious targets to minimize our impacts on climate, waste, and water.

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